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Things That Can Interfere Kidney Function

Things That Can Interfere Kidney FunctionThings That Can Interfere Kidney Function -The kidneys are extremely important and also has a vital role to keep the health in our bodies. When the condition from the kidney, and then it also will affect our overall health. Therefore, maintaining the condition from the kidneys in an effort to work well is really a must. One way to stay It‘s to adopt a lifestyle that‘s good and avoid things which will damage the kidneys.

The kidneys are very important and has a vital role to maintain the health of our bodies. If the condition of the kidney, then it will also affect our overall health. Therefore, maintaining the condition of the kidneys in order to work well is a must. One way to keep it is to adopt a lifestyle that is good and avoid things that can damage the kidneys.

There are several things that can interfere with the performance of the kidneys, which are:

1. Alcohol
Adverse effects of alcohol for health seems undisputed. Not only the liver are at stake, damaged kidneys could also result from drinking liquor.

2. Cigarette
One of the bad habits that can damage the kidneys are smoking. Smoking can interfere with blood circulation to various organs. If the circulation is interrupted, then the kidney function will also be disturbed and troubled.

3. Soda
Based on a 2008 study, people who drank two glasses of soda or more per day, are at great risk for chronic kidney disease. Although it is not clear relationship between renal damage and soft drinks, but according to The New York Times, soft drinks contain high levels of phosphoric acid. The acid is associated with kidney stones and other kidney problems, including kidney failure.

4. Holding pee
The habit of delaying or holding urine can also affect kidney function. Delaying urinating in a long time can make the bladder pressure, and this is not good for the kidneys.

5. Lack of drinking water
Meet the need for water intake is essential. Water can get rid of toxins in the body. Less drinking akir can trigger a buildup of toxins in the blood, and this can interfere with kidney function.

6. Lack of movement
Lack of exercise or physical activity can also affect the kidneys. In addition to good overall health, exercise can also help prevent kidney problems. Physical activity or exercise that can considerably reduce the risk of kidney problems up to 30 percent.

7. Lack of sleep
Having quality and good sleep is important. Lack of sleep is also known to affect the health of the kidneys and can damage it. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep.

8. Lack of vitamin
People who have certain vitamin deficiencies are also at risk of kidney problems. As well as a lack of vitamin B6, where it can cause kidney stones. For that, you are advised to apply a healthy diet and a balanced diet. Some foods are good to eat is peas, beef liver, fish, and potatoes.

9. Lack of minerals
As with vitamins, certain minerals deficiency also affects the kidney condition. If the body lacks magnesium, the body is unable to absorb calcium properly. If calcium can not be absorbed by the optimum, then this can cause kidney stones. To overcome this, you can eat leafy vegetables, beans, grains, and nuts.

10. Excess saltEating foods high in salt risk of causing a rise in blood pressure. In addition, if you consume too much salt, the kidneys work load will be heavier and difficulties remove excess salt.

11. Excess ProteinHealth experts reveal that mengasup protein in high amounts can harm the kidneys, depends also on other factors. The kidneys will work very hard when you consume high protein foods in large quantities.

12. Taking certain medications
The habit of taking painkillers known also can affect kidney function. You should know about the side effects of medications you are taking. You can consult with your doctor about the side effects of medications you are taking.
Tag : body health
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