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Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs!

Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs! -Chicken eggs in the know with high protein has many benefits for both the body of children, adolescents, and adults is advisable to eat them regularly. Egg itself actually there are several kinds that are often used by people such as duck eggs, chicken eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs or wild duck etc. Eggs are almost entirely human food in the world often eat them.

One of the reasons some people to consume eggs is because the nutrients in eggs it is complete as proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, amino acids, essential vitamins, biotin, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese and zinc. Egg white and egg yolk nutrient content and nutrient has almost the same but unfortunately still some people who are lazy consumption of egg yolk cholesterol content though because there are so many yolk still be consumed in moderation origin. The health benefits of eggs for them as follows:

Benefits of Chicken Eggs :

Good for Eye Health
The content of carotenoids in egg yolk is very large. Carotenoids are pigments that give yellow color in egg yolk that can help lower the possibility of degeneration and cataracts in the eye sight. Beyond that anti-oxidants present in the eggs may also prevent free radicals that can cause damage to the retina of the eye.

Can Make a Healthy Heart
In fact the yolk can also make your heart healthy, choline content in the egg yolk can help optimize cardiovascular benefits.

Helping Brain Changes
One side of the egg that could help change the yolk because the brain that contain vitamin B-complex and choline are well known to help benefit the nervous system. Choline can also help change the brain in the fetus if taken by pregnant women.

Evade Blood Clots
In fact yolk eggs can delay the formation of clots.

Health Board
Egg whites contain a 1. 3 mcg folate, 6. 6 mcg of selenium, 2. 3 mg, 6 mg masgesium 3. and 4. 9 mg of phosphorus, as well as the whole is essential that the main compound for body health.

Physical recovery
Eggs are a good source of protein least one of which is an amino acid. Egg white is high in amino acids required for the formation of children's physical changes in muscle fatigue and physical recovery in adults.

Keeping the skin
With regular consumption of eggs so you can use it also as ingincang skin, smoothing the skin and removes dryness of the skin.

Consumption of raw chicken eggs commonly done as well as herbal medicine in the most traditional health habits. But the consumption of raw eggs have a risk of bacterial infection that can cause problems Salmonnela form of diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. So to reduce the possibility of bacterial assure eggs and hand cleaner has been in the situation.

Eggs are also very tasty when fried, but you know, that even fried eggs are not good for the health of the article of frying eggs just going to raise bad cholesterol content of the eggs and the loss of many nutrients. So the best option for consumption through the way in a boiled egg. Egg yolks are usually very afraid of going to the actual fat content of foods that are very healthy when consumed in the middle. The yolk mangandung 1. 33 grams of cholesterol per 100 / g and is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, lecithin and iron. Iron is found in egg yolks more easily processed and assimilated in the body.

According to some nutrition experts, one can eat one egg everyday without harming the content of cholesterol and other fats in the body. Chickens in feed grain and rich in carotene grasses usually has a more striking yellow color however does not bear the eggs have more nutrients than the egg yolk puncat or not because eggs can also describe the health of the chickens.
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