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Top 5 Causes Of Constipation

causes of constipation during pregnancy

Top 5 Causes Of Constipation -
Difficult bowel movements or constipation often cause discomfort.
Many of us have ever experienced constipation, but without any real idea triggers. There are many causes that lead to your hard bowel movements. With a general way, the trigger constipation is lack of water and fiber consumption. So if you are including the people who like to eat meat-but not often eat fruits and vegetables, so you are prone to face the problem of constipation. Beyond that there are many other triggers you why difficult bowel movements, as will be discussed below.Most triggers difficult defecation :
1. Stress
Psychological aspects could affect the ability of the whole blood system.
For example, in people who were afflicted with stress, nerves can be disturbed digestion, resulting in intestinal peristalsis does not work normally. This sort of thing will lead to difficult defecation. Constipation caused unnecessary stress transactions are carried out with the help of medication, quite simply avoid stress.
2. Not at home in one place
Based on one of the myths, the indicators are at home or at home in one place is a smooth bowel movements in the first several days.
When hard bowel movements, it means that he does not feel comfortable or at ease in his new environment. Despite the myth, this trend can be proven true in fact often due to stress related. That feeling uncomfortable in a new environment, to encourage a natural stress that can lead to constipation.
3. One meal
There are many foods when consumed too excess can cause constipation.
Some canned or processed foods, red meat, and fried foods often lead to difficult defecation. Beyond that, the drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea and coffee can also be the cause of constipation.
4. Love withstand defecation
Like hold defecation is also often done by some people.
Even though this kind of thing can dim or sign perasaanah desire to defecate. Most of the arguments why some people prefer to defecate hold generally because too bothered or do not find the toilet while in the common room.
5. Lack of drinking water and eating fiber
As already mentioned at the beginning that trigger constipation usually is lack of drinking water and do not frequent consumption of foods that contain fiber.
Signs for defecation generally characterized heartburn stomach feel full time. A feeling of fullness in the stomach can be obtained from foods have fiber such as fruits and vegetables.
Tag : Life Health
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