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Negative Side Effect of Coffee

Negative Side Effect of Coffee - Coffee is a drink that is often seen as well as most people know by the name of a drink this one. Black beverage has been known from the hundreds and hundreds of years past, the current color is not black only. However, there has been the addition of other beverages, such as a combination of milk, mocha, as well as others. Coffee is the most fitting to accompany you when the morning, enjoy, along with colleagues, there are guests.

If after drinking coffee, a lot of income that the body feels fresh and drowsiness disappeared. But do you know what impact Ugly of Drinking Coffee? If until now you only drink coffee and enjoy it without any negative impact memikirnya. So we wrote this article to give you health and continued strong until old age later.

Ugly Impact of Drinking Coffee :

1. Coffee can cause constipation or difficult bowel movements.

2. Coffee lead to tartar and teeth so yellow, when consumed in excess amount too.

3. The addition of Stomach Acid
Although coffee has many benefits, known coffee can increase anxiety. Dose consume too much can not be received most people. Beyond that, a high level of acidity coffee can stimulate spending excessive stomach acid.

4. Harmful Eye Problems
Eye problems is influenced by caffeine, substances contained in coffee. The problem is exfoliation glaucoma. "Drinking three cups of coffee or more in one day, found with regard to additional problems in glaucoma, especially for those who have a family story of glaucoma," said Jae Hee Kang, assistant professor of medicine at Channing Division of Network Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston .

"Those who are at risk on this issue, especially those who have a family story of glaucoma is highly recommended to limit coffee consumption, less than three cups / day," he continued, as taken ScienceDaily.

The study involved 79 thousand respondents women. Of health data taken at eye control, as well as the questioner is done to know what is consuming lots of coffee / day, it can be proven top ranking to the problem of eye problems caused by coffee. They can be proven when more cups of coffee consumption in a day.

The symptoms are the emphasis on the eyeball. Then can cause damage to the optic nerve others around the eyes. This is resulting in permanent blindness. The risk of eye damage if you are growing more and more caffeine consumption.

5. Addition Heartbeat
As well as the caffeine content of coffee ultimate form of stimulant drugs. Kafeine affect the cardiovascular system such as the addition of heart rate and blood insistence. The negative effects that appear when you eat too excessive. For most people, drinking two to three cups of coffee does not give negative effects. Drinking coffee with increasing frequency over it can cause heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches and other problems. Therefore, for those who do not consume coffee so sleepy-for example, because of lack of sleep is recommended that consumption is spread throughout the day.

Research on the fabric of coffee consumption and the miscarriage did not give a summary uniform. However, for the safety of pregnant women are encouraged not to drink more than one cup of coffee growing one day.

But as I said above, the impact of caffeine on everyone berbeda2. There are people who commonly drink up to 5 cups of espresso in one day and do not feel bad impact. However, we recommend to you, from this moment do too much coffee, although coffee is also good. However, the current set and the pattern you to enjoy coffee.

Thank you for reading The Ugly Impact of Coffee Drinks, so hopefully there this paper we can help your health.

Article Keywords :

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what are the negative effects of drinking coffee.
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